We can’t believe today is the last day of 2018! It seems like this year has totally flown by. We feel like we should have at least a couple more weeks or months left of this year! Today, we thought we would share five things we learned in 2018 (although, it feels like we learned way more than five, haha!) Before we get into that, we wanted to talk about this neutral, winter-white look, featuring our favorite studded shoes ever!

We are firm believers in white year-round, so this is the way we do it! Pair some white jeans with some neutrals like this metallic gold clutch (has a chain strap, so you can wear it on your shoulder or crossbody!) and these neutral studded shoes (also come in black!).

We also paired this neutral windowpane scarf from Sole Society (also where the shoes and bag are from) with this camel turtleneck sweater underneath! We love shopping for shoes and accessories for any season at Sole Society because they are affordable and SO stylish!

And, now to close out 2018, here is what we learned:
YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL: seems obvious, duh! But, seriously, we are so type-A and extremely motivated, especially if it involves things we are passionate about- ie: work, eating/cooking, family, etc. It is hard for us to say “no” or to “turn it off”.
We are trying to work on this by creating a list of things that have to absolutely get done, and things that can be pushed to the next day, and that has been helping!

THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON– YOU CAN’T PLAN SOME THINGS: we probably have said this before, but we are such planners, and it can be difficult at times to not have an exact plan of everything. A lot of things that we thought were going to go a certain way, didn’t go the way we thought they would, and sometimes you just don’t know why, and that is okay. Sometimes, you just have to know there is a better plan in the future that will be the explanation for all of the stuff that happened.

FOCUS ON THE THINGS YOU’RE GRATEFUL FOR, NOT THE THINGS THAT YOU DON’T HAVE: we have all heard this one before (insert eye-roll), but especially with social media and all of our world, it can be hard to not compare, or wish you had certain things. We are really trying to focus on what we DO have, and how great it really is- ie: our family, our great job, health.) There is always something to be grateful for!

YOU CAN’T PLEASE EVERYONE: this isn’t just about work, it is about everything in our life. Relationships, work, family, etc. All you can do is focus on loving yourself and putting yourself first. That is not a selfish thing to do! You have to care about yourself and LOVE yourself first, otherwise you will live in resentment. Besides, nobody needs toxic people in their lives!

YOUR HEALTH IS THE MOST VALUABLE THING: boy, did we learn this! We have been through so much this year with our health, and feel like we are finally on the right path (more in this post! ) Don’t ever take your health for granted because without it, you have nothing. We had days where we could barely get out of bed or go on a short walk, so we are so grateful that we are feeling better and getting our energy back! Trust your gut, and know when you don’t feel right. You are your own best advocate!

{ Windowpane Scarf |Tiaa Rockstud Shoes |Metallic Clutch| Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater, also Similar Here |White Ankle Jeans|Grey Coat Similar Here and Here | Curling Iron | Nail Color | Toe Polish | Necklace | BRACELETS: David Yurman Cable Bracelets here, here, and here and Cartier Love Bracelet | RINGS: David Yurman Ring here and here | WATCH: Michele Deco Watch }
In partnership with Sole Society.