We are all about splurging for a nice piece, but sometimes, you may be on the fence if you should really bite the bullet, and save up for that big purchase, or if you even truly need that item.
We wanted to share some tips and kind of talk through some of that dialogue, and what we do when we are making decisions like that. Of course, we all want the newest, and nicest things, but we think sometimes they’re either not for us, or maybe not the right purchase, so let’s dive in, shall we?!

First off, let’s say there is something you want to splurge on, but don’t have the budget to purchase it. We love scouting second-hand stores or retailers to find the brands or pieces you want.
Some places we suggest are:
- eBay
- Craigslist
- Poshmark
- ThredUp
- Local thrift or consignment stores

Plan For Big Purchases
Obviously seems like a no-brainer, but if you are going to make a big purchase or investment, you want to do your research. We always read up on whatever we are buying, and see where we can get the best deal. For example, when we buy a bag or a piece of jewelry, we will look at it several times in person and online, research pricing, saving money on taxes, etc.
You also want to make sure you budget for it. If you have a lot of expenses coming up like buying a car, moving, getting married, etc, you may want to hold off on making a purchase for clothing or bags, especially if it not a necessity.
Seems kind of silly, but there have been times where we have turned down buying something we really wanted, and waiting for the right timing when we had more spending money, etc.

Needing Vs.Wanting
Okay, this is a big thing, and something we all probably struggle with at some point. There are SO many things that we probably don’t ever need, but we want so badly. Fortunately, most of us have the necessities that we need to survive, especially when it comes to clothing.
When it comes to wanting, there is always going to be something. With constant advertising, social media, word of mouth, etc, the pressure is real. You have to really check in with yourself and perform almost an interview with yourself on if it is an item you maybe don’t “need”, but want to have, and that the item will be worth the investment.

Some things we like to ask ourselves are:
“How often will we wear it?”
There are a lot of pieces that are really cute and fun, but when you really think about it, are you truly going to get good use out of it? There are several pieces we have purchased over the years that seemed like a great idea, but then were worn maybe once or twice. Of course, we have stuff that we have gotten SO much use out of.
“Will it go out of style/is it too trendy?”
Trendy pieces are tricky because in the moment, they seem like they are “in”, but before you know it, they aren’t that stylish anymore. Our recommendations for trendy pieces is to find a look-for-less option, that way when it goes out of style, you haven’t spent a ton of money on it! We suggest checking out Shein, Forever21, or H&M.

“Is it because YOU actually like it, or you have seen others with it?”
There can be so much peer pressure with everything, and it comes with fashion, too. Think about the pieces you want, and really evaluate if you truly like it, or have just seen a ton of other people with it, and you want to “fit in”. Of course, that is normal and how society works, but when you’re making a big purchase, you want to be sure YOU are the one who wants the item.
“Do you already have similar items in your closet?”
We all convince ourselves that we could use another pair of jeans, or another pair of neutral sandals, but chances are you probably own something that is very similar in your closet. However, if you do own something similar, and you seem to wear it a lot, it may be worth the purchase!

“Does it flatter your figure?”
This is actually pretty interesting because often times we see a bag or a trendy jacket on someone else, and think it would be SO cute on us. However, sometimes if you are petite, like us, that oversized bag or cardigan may look silly on you. Just some food for thought!

Speaking of needing vs. wanting, you MUST have this python printed kimono from Sole Society. You can wear it over a bodysuit with jeans, like how we did, or dress it down over a swimsuit! You could also wear it over a black pencil skirt or slacks and really dress it up.
We paired it with these blush velvet loafers, which are SO cute, and classy. This laser cut tote bag is perfect for any outfit, and literally will match anything you put with it. Such a good bag! We love that Sole Society has so many affordable, but versatile pieces that you can wear for years.

{ Python Print Kimono| Velvet Loafers | Laser Cute Tote Bag | Ivory Bodysuit | Girlfriend Ripped Denim | Sunglasses | Curling Iron | Nail Color | Lip Color |BRACELETS: David Yurman Cable Bracelets here, here, and here and Cartier Love Bracelet | RINGS: David Yurman Ring here and here and Gold Bar Ring| Michele Deco Watch | Initial Necklace | Name Necklace }
In partnership with Sole Society.