Do you have to eat healthy every second of the trip? Absolutely not! You just have to make healthier choices when you can, and then splurge on fun stuff in between! We will share some of our tips and what we personally do when we are traveling for you all.

We know it is vacation season, and everyone is traveling, so we wanted to share some tips on eating healthier on vacation. Before anyone gets all riled up, we definitely don’t think you should not indulge in vacation eats! We splurge a lot on vacations, especially when it comes to sweets. Of course, nobody likes coming home from a vacation feeling yucky and bloated, so it is all about balance!
Everyone always asks us if you can travel with food, and the answer is: YES! You absolutely can do that. We personally always bring food with us. You can just grab something at the airport if you prefer that, but we personally like to bring our own, if possible. We usually bring things like apples, oranges, cut up veggies like cucumber, carrots, with hummus or something like that. Another trick is to bring a salad bag or salad container and eat your salad out of that on the plane. We have no shame! You could also bring some nuts or some sort of dried fruit if that’s more your speed!

When we arrive, if we are somewhere where we have access to a grocery store, we will stop in and grab some fresh fruits and veggies. We just like to have extras to snack on when we are hungry. If not, we pack some of our favorite tea bags, some 80-100% cacao bars for nighttime ;), and some nuts or something like that!

This is an easy and quick snack, BUT, usually they are filled with sugary and salty snacks that may taste good, but won’t feel good after eating a large amount of. Most of these have been sitting there for a long time, so you are better off eating something more fresh for those calories, if you’re going to splurge! If you are staying in an all-inclusive resort, or just a regular spot, you can ask for some fresh fruit! Some hotels have apples in the gym or in the lobby!

One major rule is that you should NEVER skip breakfast. Even if you aren’t hungry, grab something light like some fresh fruit. If you skip it, chances are, the hunger will catch up to you later, and you’ll end up eating way more than you had wanted to. If you are staying somewhere where you can cook breakfast, stock up on some fruit to snack on, or make a smoothie! You can also make oatmeal anywhere, just bring your own packets and mix with hot water and cinnamon!

We kind of touched on this before, but we always, always come prepared with snacks! We almost always have a banana or apple in our bags at all times. Whether it is fruit or a bar, keep something with you! You could also bring some dried fruit like dates, or some almonds to snack on. We bring tea bags to make our own hot teas as well!
Of course, it is okay to indulge in yummy, treat foods, but sticking to fresh, local foods is also fun! Whether it is fruits and veggies, seafood, or whatever is fresh there, don’t be scared to try it out! Eating the fresh foods is what will keep you feeling energetic, healthy, and your best!

This is probably the best tip we can give you! Whether you are on vacation or not, we always scout the menu ahead of time. You will likely be caught up in conversation when you are at the restaurant, or if you’re hungry, you will make an impulse decision on what to eat! So, we suggest checking the menu out ahead of time, and having a little plan of what you’re thinking of ordering! You can check out our tips here on eating out healthier!

Last week in Mexico, we didn’t have access to a gym, and we were totally okay with that! A couple years ago, we would have probably found some sort of gym, but now, we are fine with taking a few days off and just going with the flow! We ended up walking A TON on the beach, and just around exploring, which is always fun! If you are eating pretty healthy and getting steps in, you should come back from your trip feeling even better!
Hope this was helpful! Enjoy all your upcoming trips! Xo