Y’all know we have become major rebounding fanatics in the last 7-8 months. You can read more about what rebounding is in this post. There is rarely a day that goes by that we don’t rebound. Actually, the rebounders have become part of our furniture decor in our living room 😉
We have gotten SO many questions about what rebounding is, why we do it, what the benefits are, and more, so we wanted to give a little more info for you all, and hopefully inspire you all to give it a try!
Which Rebounder Should You Get?
Before we get into the benefits, we waned to share which rebounders we have been using more recently. We have the 350 fitness trampoline and the the 350f fitness trampoline (folding) from JumpSport Fitness.
What we love about both of these rebounders in particular is that it is super quiet when you are bouncing, but gives you a really cushioned bounce. It also has a 40% reduction on impact, compared to other rebounders.

The Benefits
Weight Loss
Of course, this is one of the top benefits. We all would like to stay fit, and for some of us, lose weight. We will talk about the cardio benefits in a little bit, but what is so great about rebounding is that it really works every single muscle in your body. We love wearing our Apple watches to track our steps and calories burned while we are doing it. Usually, we can burn around 200 calories if we jump for about 25-30 minutes!
Another cool thing about using the rebounder for weight loss is that it boosts your metabolism and improves your resting metabolic rate, meaning you can burn calories, even after you are done working out, similar to lifting weights.
Helps With Digestion
This may sound kind of funny, but rebounding can help with digestion, and getting things “moving”, which is always a good thing!

Like mentioned in the weight loss benefits, rebounding is great cardio. If you’re like us, you think of cardio as running, biking, etc, but rebounding is actually great cardio as well. You may remember jumping on a trampoline as a kid, but probably forgot how elevated your heart rate got when you jumped.
Rebounding has a lot of benefits when it comes to your heart, but the main one is that it reduces blood pressure and increases blood circulation. It is also less stressful on your joints, and has been proven to be a more effective training method than running to increase oxygen consumption and reducing body fat percentages, according to a study published by the International Journal of Sports Science.

Lymphatic System
This is one of the main benefits that made us start rebounding in the first place! We had read tons of things about how important your lymphatic system is and how rebounding can help with that. The lymphatic system is how our bodies get rid of harmful things (through lymph fluids) and is a major component to overall health. Another really cool thing about this system is that it supports your immune system, so in turn, it can help prevent you from getting sick!

Of course, as you can imagine, you’re getting a ton of benefits when it comes to balance. When you jump, you’re renewing nerve pathways to your muscles, which is pretty cool. It also helps you build up your core and leg muscles, which help you keep good posture and overall balance.
Mental Health
If you’re like us, you can get pretty stressed and overwhelmed and have that kind of feeling like you have a million tabs open in your brain at once! Doing any kind of exercise, whether it is walking or running, can help with anxiety and stress, but specifically rebounding can help with relaxing.
We have really found that when we rebound, we feel a lot less anxious overall, and we are able to clear our minds. When you are rebounding, it circulates oxygen to your brain, so it can help you refocus, too!

Keeps Your Body Young
Another great benefit that we can all enjoy is that it helps to slow down the aging process. As opposed to running, rebounding protects your joints and discs from fatigue. So, if you suffer from back or neck pain, this is a great option for you because it will actually strengthen your back.
If you all want to get your own rebounder, we highly recommend this brand, and they’re offering 10% off one of the ones we have with code Fold10