If you all have been reading some of my more personal posts, you probably know this has been a period of growth and really learning to trust in the universe and the timing of everything. I have been reading all sorts of books and quotes, and came across one that really moved me. It went something like:
The universe has three answers: Yes, not yet, and I’ve got something better for you.”

To be quite honest, this “season” has been hard on me. The days I don’t break down and cry are few and far between. I don’t know if is my hormones, the roller coaster of dating and putting yourself out there, being stressed with work/overworked, or a combination of all of those, but it has been rougher on me.

I am definitely so grateful for this time for me to really focus on myself and what I want in my life in general.
Reading this quote brought tears to my eyes (of course, ha!) because I am such a planner. I want to basically map out my whole life plan: make this much money, get married by this age, have kids by this age, etc. As we all know it, life doesn’t work that way. I have really had to come to terms that some things, whether it is a job, relationship, etc, aren’t meant to be, or at least not in this current time.

What I love about this quote is that it isn’t negative, and an outright “NO”. It is more like, it is happening, or it will in the right time, and you just have to be patient. If it doesn’t happen, then something better is coming your way. I think the last two choices are what I struggle with. It is hard for me trust that it is going to happen, just not right now, or something even better that I couldn’t have imagined is coming.
The reason I wanted to share this is because I know so many of you may be going through something, or maybe just a period of growth, so I hope that this helps you out, and makes you realize you are not alone. If you don’t have a support system, know that I am thinking of you and you will get through it. As my mom says, “This too shall pass.”

On a lighter note, this black maxi dress from Walmart is an AMAZING steal. I was seriously SO surprised at how well it fit, and how pretty it was on. It’s the perfect amount of flow, and great for summer trips or date night! I have the smallest size in it for reference.
I love that Walmart has so many great pieces for any body type and all at a great price point. I am all about finding affordable pieces that make you feel your best without breaking the bank! They also offer free two-day delivery on a lot of their pieces, and in-store pickup!

{ Black Maxi Dress | Thong Sandals Similar | Sunglasses | Curling Iron | Name Necklace }
In partnership with Walmart.