Can’t believe it is almost halloween, and NOVEMBER! Time is flying by! That means, you all will be looking for comfy, but cute outfits for Thanksgiving coming up. This outfit is actually perfect for it because it is neutral and dressy casual, if that makes sense!
This sherpa vest is the highlight of this outfit, AND, even better, it is r e v e r s i b l e! We love that you get two uses out of it! This comfy and cozy vest is from Sole Society, as are these great neutral booties and this neutral satchel bag. All of their fall and holiday pieces are soooo cute, and we love that they are all under $100, so they’re budget-friendly.

We love that this satchel bag can be worn on your arm, shoulder, or crossbody! It also goes with everything, as do these great booties. They are more pointed in the front, so they are more flattering on your figure. We have size 7 in these booties for reference.

In addition to this outfit, I wanted to share some things I learned this month, since yes, we are allll always learning, right? I am sure some will resonate with you!

Try new things, even if you don’t want to
I struggle with this a lot. Most of the time, I pretty much know what I like and don’t like, but it is good to be willing to try new things, even if you are 99% sure you won’t like them. For me, it’s been saying yes to activities, food and drinks that I wouldn’t typically eat often, and going out with friends for drinks. You may not love it, but at least you tried it, right?

Be open to what life brings you
Life is crazy and works in mysterious ways. That’s the tough (and also cool) part about life. You have no idea what is coming, so you just have to roll with it and take on each day and what it has to bring. I am such a planner, so this is a tough one, but it is kind of cool to know you have no idea what is to come, good or bad!

Lean on friends and family
In the last year, I feel like I have grown in a lot of ways emotionally. I know 100% that I couldn’t have done that without leaning on my friends and family. I see my friends often and really open up to them about my thoughts and feelings, and obviously, with my family as well. It feels good to open up to people you’re close with.

Be patient
I have probably written about my lack of patience wayyy too much, haha. Really, I am so impatient, and it is kind of a problem, but I am learning to work on it. I would be lying to you if I told you I don’t want to find “my person” and be in a serious relationship, but I also want it to be the right person, so I am learning to be patient and focus on other areas of my life, and that will come.

Listen more, and talk less
I feel like so many of us feel like we need to always have something to say in a conversation, when really, sometimes we just need to listen. A lot of times that is all someone wants. You just need a good venting session sometimes, am I right?

{ Pointed Booties | Sherpa Vest | Tan Shirt | Ripped Jeans | Satchel Bag | Sunglasses | Name Necklace | Evil Eye Name Necklace | BRACELETS: David Yurman Cable Bracelets here, here, and here and Cartier Love Bracelet | RINGS: David Yurman Ring here and here | WATCH: Apple Watch and Watch Case and Leopard Watch Band }
In partnership with Sole Society.