When we were growing, up we were always dying to have a pet of any kind, especially a dog. Our mom was not a dog person, so she didn’t want to get one or have one, especially since she knew that she would most likely be left with the responsibility to care for it. In college, we finally decided to get one since we were living on our own.
We ended up finding a super cute dog, Milly that we got when we were Sophomores in college. She is a great dog, but like anything else, is a HUGE responsibility. Long story short, she ended up living with our parents, but is still our baby.

After we had been living in Dallas for a few years, we considered getting another dog since we work from home. We knew it would be a huge responsibility and effort, so we thought it would be better to wait a little longer to be fair to the dog.
Of course, life doesn’t always go as you plan it, and we ended up rescuing an adorable dog named Lucy, who you have probably seen a lot in our stories. She is THE best thing that has happened to us. We were not expecting to have her come into our lives when she did, but we are so grateful because she is such a light!

We thought it would be a good idea, and maybe helpful for you all, if we shared some pros and cons to rescuing or bringing a dog into your lives. Of course there are SO many benefits, but it is also a huge task that will never go away.
Pros of having a dog
Let’s start with the pros, and on a positive note! There are so many, but here are a few!
- gives you companionship
- brings you joy and unconditional love
- gets you moving and outside
- teaches you to not be selfish and care for others

Cons of having a dog
Of course, there are some downsides to having a dog. Not that they are horrible things, but some things to keep in mind!
- costs associated with food, vet, care
- time commitment: they need and deserve a lot of care, so be sure you’re willing to give it to them
- they test your patience, and not at the best timing 😉
- require a lot of discipline

And on another note, we wanted to share these super soft and cozy pajamas we got from Nordstrom. They are the perfect set and come in a few color options. These are perfect for lounging around the house on a weekend, especially when you want to look cute, but stay comfortable. We have the smallest size in these and they also come in a pants version.
If you’re looking for a cozy and soft throw blanket, this one is amazing. Our dogs love laying on it and getting cozy, and we don’t mind cuddling with them under it:) This blanket would make a great gift, too!

{ Moonlight Short Pajamas | Faux Fur Blanket Throw | Coffee Mug | Nail Color | Lip Color |BRACELETS: David Yurman Cable Bracelets here, here, and here and Cartier Love Bracelet | RINGS: David Yurman Ring here and here | Initial Necklace | Name Necklace }
In partnership with Nordstrom.